Your Regina Landscape Experts
Over 50 years of supplying Regina residents
and contractors with top-quality
landscaping supplies & services.
We can handle all your Landscape
as well as Bobcat / Skid-steer needs!
Call Today: 306-757-0355
Owens Landscape Supply Centre has everything you need for your next project:
Screened Topsoil
Mixed Topsoil
Crusher Dust
Various Sands
Yellow Clay
River Rock
Crushed Rock
Miscellaneous Round Rock
Pea Rock
Tree Mulch
and more.
We are also Southern Saskatchewan’s distributor of Shellview Sod.
Owens Landscaping Supply Centre Products
Crushed Rock
This is a washed crushed rock used mainly for zero-scaping.
Crusher Dust
Crusher dust is a compacting product used as a base underneath paving stones or to pack in around items like fence posts. It compacts to form a very hard surface.
Our topsoil is a screened, dark, sandy loam used for all landscape projects from planting beds to gardens, lawns etc.
Tree Mulch
Primarily used in planting beds as a ground cover. It looks great, adds a wonderful fresh smell to yards and discourages weed growth. Tree Mulch also insulates – decreasing evaporation in tree beds and shrub beds, making the ground more moist, for optimal plant and tree growth.
Brick sand is used in landscape projects as a stabilizer between paving stones. Screened sand is used in general applications like playgrounds, sandboxes etc.
Used in landscaping as a fertilizer. Can be mixed in with soil or bedding to enrich the nutrient base for increased plant growth.
Base gravel is used in landscaping as a base, also for high-traffic areas like driveways, alleys etc.
River Rock
2-3 inch river rock is used as a decorative item on yards or around pathways.
Round Rock
1 inch or 3/4 inch sizes. Round rock is a washed product used as a decorative item in zero-scapes.
Pea Rock
Washed pea rock has many uses in landscaping as a decorative item in beds or around pathways, to a base for playgrounds etc.
Slag is used in parking pads, under sheds etc. It compacts to form an extremely hard surface.
Shellview Sod
Saskatchewan’s premier sod farm, Shellview sod is made of 80% Kentucky Bluegrass and 20% Creeping Red Fescue. Adapted for life in Canada with shade tolerance, optimal color and good resistance to drought and winter kill. Sod is comfortable to walk or play on and provides cooling properties to the yard.
Owens Landscaping Regina Location
We’re easy to find – just head north on Pasqua or Albert – then turn on Armour Rd. We are across the street from the Turvey Centre!
Call if you’re lost – 306-757-0355